Your newest love is climbing and with this you have also experienced a great deal of falling. Despite the many tumbles, you have not slowed down one bit and continue to try to climb onto the furniture, into the tub and on anything else you think can hold you. You started walking a little over a month ago and this was quickly followed by running. However, you have terrible balance when you are the least bit tired so you have fallen down quite a few times just walking across the living room. It is really cute though and Declan loves rushing over to help you get back up.
We all love how talkative you have become recently and we get cracked up at your attempts to be included in family talks at the dinner table and whatnot. When you decide it is your turn to share there is no stopping you! You started saying "bye" several months ago and said "dada", "mama", "baba" and so forth, but you said Mama directed at the correct person first so I was very happy to be the first name you learned. :) You are now saying Dada and Dec, too! Declan has been asking us why you are always yelling at him because you say his name with a lot of enthusiam.
You have grown so much in the past year and your likes and dislikes have really started to show. These days you are wearing 12-18 month clothes and size 3 diapers. You love hair bows and shoes more than any baby I have ever met. You carry shoes around the house even if they are not yours and if you find one that belongs to you we have to put it on your foot (the same goes for hair bows you find around the house). If this love continues, we may be in trouble when you start wanting to shop for clothes and shoes!
We love you so much and we love seeing your personality shine through more and more each new day. It has been such an incredible 12 months since we brought you home from the hospital last October! Having you and Declan in our lives is the greatest blessing your dad and I could ever have and we are all looking forward to what is in store for you and our family in the year to come. Happy birthday, Evie Bug!
Here are some pictures from your first year:
So cute darling baby.